Did you recently lose a tooth? Or perhaps you have a heavily damaged tooth that needs to removed but you are looking to dental surgeons for an immediate replacement tooth too. Who would want to have gaps in their smiles anyway!
Well, what are dental implants and what are dental implants made of? Do dental implants feel natural? Let's find out all that and more below.
A dental implant is small screw that a dentist places into your jawbone to replace the root of a missing tooth. Think of it as a sturdy foundation for a new, artificial tooth. Once the implant is securely in place and your jawbone has healed around it, the dentist will attach a crown to the top of the implant.
This new tooth will look, feel and function just like a natural tooth, allowing you to eat, speak and smile with confidence. They have certainly become the gold standard for tooth replacement!
Making the decision to have a dental implant fixture placed in your mouth is not an easy one. What are the factors and considerations before you opt for implant surgery? We provide the top ten things you need to know before you decide on going ahead with implant surgery!
Minimally removes your existing teeth structure.
Doing an implant means that you will be saving the teeth that might have been reduced if you have pursued other treatment options. If you are doing a fixed bridge restoration, the teeth adjacent to the implant to the left and the right would need to be filed down in order to fit the fixed bridge restoration which is fitted over the gap. Doing an implant preserves the existing tooth structure as much as possible and this is the preferred option at our clinic as we are committed to saving your tooth structure as much as possible.
7. Having an implant early helps reduce problems down the road.
The analogy is similar to an 18 wheeler truck going down the highway. There will not be any noticeable problems if a couple of wheels are taken away in the short term. Fast forward to a year and there will be abnormal wear and damage to the structure of the teeth that have moved either forward or sideways. After some time, the real issues in balance and bite dynamics would surface in your mouth.
8. A guided implant has a higher success rate than a regular dental implant.
Traditionally, a dentist or periodontist typically places an implant with a free hand, according to their visualisation and by making an incision in the gum tissue to reveal the bone underneath. They do this in order to be able to see what and where they are screwing the implant into. This incision made using traditional implant methods is larger than the keyhole guided implant surgery, making recovery time longer.
9. Inform your dentist if you have pre-existing medical conditions.
It is important to tell your dentist if you have conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis as these will affect the success rate of dental implant surgery. Any allergies, medications, including traditional Chinese medicine, or medical conditions must be raised to the dentist before treatment commences. The gums and teeth will also need to be healthy and having regular scaling and polishing done to maintain their healthy condition.
10. Find out what brand your dental implant is.
There are hundreds of different dental implant brands on the market, and most patients do not even know what kind of implant they are choosing to put into their body. The brand is important to ensure that its a good quality implant3. Dental implants are meant to last you for many years, and they will require maintenance over the years as the crown or implant parts wear out.
If your implant is of an unknown brand or if it does not have parts to allow repair, the whole implant may need to be removed and replaced with a new implant. The top brands for dental implants are Astra, Straumman, Nobel Biocare and Biomet 3i. Our clinic uses Astra brand implants which are from Sweden and widely used all over the world.
At Dental Designs, we provide same-day emergency procedures. If you had an accident resulting in a broken tooth or if your tooth is fractured and needs to be extracted, our same-day computer-guided implants can be done in one visit on the same day. Learn more about Dental Implants.
Looking to book an appointment for a dental implant consultation? Just drop us a message here and we will be happy to assist!
Brunski JB. Biomechanical factors affecting the bone-dental implant interface. Clin Mater. 1992;10(3):153-201. doi: 10.1016/0267-6605(92)90049-y. PMID: 10149982.
Geng W, Liu C, Su Y, Li J, Zhou Y. Accuracy of different types of computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing surgical guides for dental implant placement. Int J Clin Exp Med. 2015 Jun 15;8(6):8442-9. PMID: 26309497; PMCID: PMC4538014.
Oshida Y, Tuna EB, Aktören O, Gençay K. Dental implant systems. Int J Mol Sci. 2010 Apr 12;11(4):1580-678. doi: 10.3390/ijms11041580. PMID: 20480036; PMCID: PMC2871132.