Invisalign+ Buddy Reasons Why

About Invisalign+ Buddy

Invisalign+ Buddy is an treatment specifically designed for children aged 5 to 8 years old. It addresses issues with dental arch development, crowding, spacing, and misalignments in growing children who have at least six baby molars and a mix of baby and permanent teeth. This treatment uses clear, removable aligners tailored to fit children’s mouths during this stage of mixed dentition.

Invisalign+ Buddy is designed to address early orthodontic issues and can effectively manage and guide the development of the jaw and teeth alignment in growing children. It is intended as an early intervention treatment that can address a developing problem, to potentially avoid more serious treatment in the future such as teeth extractions or jaw surgery. Early orthodontic treatment can help guide teeth and jaw development, setting a healthier foundation for the future. However, genetics still plays a huge factor in the ultimate dental and facial structure.

Since it is used at a stage when children still have some of their baby teeth and before their permanent teeth fully erupt, some children might require treatment to align the permanent teeth in the future. This subsequent treatment may be done after 18 years old and a separate assessment can be done at that stage to determine what further treatment is necessary. 

Whether a child needs another round of orthodontic treatment after Invisalign+ Buddy depends on several factors, including the specific orthodontic issues being addressed, the child’s growth and development, and how well the initial treatment progresses.