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Hard Mouth Guard Teeth Grinding - Dental Designs Clinic Singapore

Written by Dental Designs Clinic Singapore | Jul 15, 2024 3:04:11 AM

Do you often wake up feeling unrested, with a headache and a sore jaw? These symptoms could be caused by a common yet often unnoticed habit: teeth grinding, also known as bruxism. If left untreated, teeth grinding can lead to various dental issues in the long run, such as worn-down teeth, teeth sensitivity, cracked teeth and bite problems.

Teeth grinding can be triggered by various factors such as stress, anxiety, sleep apnea and certain medications. Dental mouth guards can provide relief by acting as a barrier between the upper and lower teeth, cushioning the pressures caused by grinding. The mouth guards, typically worn during sleep, offer protection and help alleviate the symptoms associated with teeth grinding.


What are the symptoms of teeth grinding?

Individuals with mild teeth grinding may not experience many noticeable symptoms. They might occasionally feel mild jaw discomfort or soreness, have occasional headaches or notice slight tooth sensitivity.

In contrast, those with heavy teeth grinding may experience more pronounced and frequent symptoms which includes:

  • Persistent jaw pain or soreness
  • Chronic headaches (especially in the morning)
  • Increased tooth sensitivity to hot, cold or sweet foods
  • Worn, flattened, chipped or fractured teeth
  • Disrupted sleep patterns, including waking up frequently during the night
  • Tired or tight jaw muscles, especially in the morning
  • Damage to the inside of the cheek from chewing on it during grinding
  • Chronic pain or stiffness in the neck muscles, often due to tension from teeth grinding

Experiencing all these symptoms at once can really disrupt your day, affecting both your physical health and emotional well-being. However, using the right mouth guard can alleviate these symptoms and significantly improve your quality of life.


What is a Hard Mouth Guard?

There are several options available if you are in search for mouth guards, and at Dental Designs Clinic, we offer four different types of custom mouth guards tailored to different levels of teeth grinding intensity. For those who grind their teeth heavily, we recommend our DuraMax mouth guard.

The DuraMax mouth guard is designed to have maximum durability, and is especially indicated for people who grind their teeth heavily. It's made by milling a solid block of high-quality PMMA material that has been sourced from Germany. This process ensures that the mouth guard is strong and unlikely to break or wear down, even with intense grinding, making it a dependable choice for long-lasting use by heavy teeth grinders.


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How is DuraMax Hard Mouth Guard Made?

The DuraMax hard mouth guard is custom-made in our in-house dental laboratory using CAD/CAM technology. We begin by taking a detailed 3D scan of the patient's teeth. Using this scan, we digitally design the mouth guard, carefully considering the patient's bite and the alignment of their opposing teeth. This ensures that the mouth guard fits snugly and allows the lower jaw to sit comfortably in its natural position when worn. Once the design is completed, it's sent to our milling machine for manufacturing.

The hard mouth guard serves dual purposes. Not only does it protect teeth from the damaging effects of teeth grinding, but it also provides therapeutic benefits for individuals with jaw joint issues caused by an improper bite. By promoting proper jaw alignment, it helps alleviate discomfort and prevents further damage to the teeth and jaw. So, it's not just a guard – it's a comprehensive solution for heavy teeth grinding, offering both protection and therapeutic support.


DuraMax Hard Mouth Guard for Teeth Grinding

DuraMax hard mouth guard is particularly beneficial for heavy teeth grinders because it offers a more durable barrier compared to other types of mouth guards. This durability is especially important if your current mouth guard is prone to breaking due to the intensity of teeth grinding.

Custom-made with accurate fit

We use recent advancements in dental technology, avoiding traditional materials that are prone to inaccuracies. We utilise a 3D scanner with an accuracy of 25 microns, combined with CAD/CAM technology, to create guards that fit snugly without feeling bulky. Each guard is designed to provide optimal protection against teeth grinding, jaw pain and other dental issues, with the added benefit of high stain resistance.


Strong protection

DuraMax hard mouth guard is made from a single block of PMMA disc and hence is very strong. This rigidity cushions the impact of grinding, helping prevent dental damage such as worn-down teeth, fractures and chips.


Fast turnaround

The mouth guards are made in our in-house dental laboratory, allowing for a much quicker turnaround time.


Convenient replacements

We understand that dental guards may need replacement over time, such as in cases when they are lost. That's why we offer convenient replacement services, allowing you to easily replace or create duplicate mouth guards when needed. This ensures continuous protection for your teeth and jaw, as we keep a copy of your 3D dental record to facilitate the process.



We provide a warranty of 2 years for our DuraMax mouthguards, subject to terms and conditions.



Wearing a mouth guard consistently is a simple yet effective way to address symptoms associated with teeth grinding. It helps reduce the impact of grinding on your teeth and jaw, leading to an overall improvement in your quality of life.

Oh, and did we mention our DuraMax mouth guard can also be personalised with your very own name?

Find out more about our mouth guards!

WhatsApp us at : +65 8200 9092

Call us at : +65 6221 8284



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  2. Seifeldin SA, Elhayes KA. Soft versus hard occlusal splint therapy in the management of temporomandibular disorders (TMDs). Saudi Dent J. 2015 Oct;27(4):208-14. doi: 10.1016/j.sdentj.2014.12.004. Epub 2015 Jun 25. PMID: 26644756; PMCID: PMC4642186.