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How A Smile Makeover Treatment Can Boost Success - Dental Designs

Written by Dental Designs Clinic Singapore | May 17, 2024 2:20:29 AM

We've all felt how a beautiful smile can brighten our day. An adorable smile of a baby can make us forget all our worries. Indeed as Phyllis Diller once said: “A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.”

A beautiful smile could also be the secret to a fulfilling and joyful life. Whether you’re going for a job interview or you merely want to succeed at your workplace, the effects and benefits of a charming smile cannot be ignored.

Why is your smile such a powerful tool and how it can make you successful? Let’s find out.

Smile and make friends

When you think about approaching someone you don't know, imagine one person is frowning, looking unhappy or unfriendly, while the other has a big, warm smile on their face. The person with the smile is likely to seem more approachable, friendly, and inviting.

We find it easier to talk to strangers who have a pleasant smile and the ones who appear happier. So, if you strive to develop the habit of smiling, you look more approachable and are more likely to make friends at your workplace and in social circles.


Smiling boosts your confidence

People who keep smiling appear more confident and intelligent. This has been proven by multiple research studies.

Also, all of us have experienced a situation when weeks of preparation go to waste when we lose confidence during a speech or presentation. When this happens, try this. Just take a deep breath, and smile. Not only will you get your confidence back, your audience will also become empathetic, patient and understanding towards you when you smile while talking to them.


A beautiful smile makes you successful in relationships

Do you want to know the secret behind appearing attractive? Here’s one for you. Whether it’s your colleagues, friends or your loved ones, a beautiful smile goes a long way in making you look sexy and attractive.  According to a survey conducted by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD), 45% of the respondents believed that the smile was the most attractive feature of one’s personality, ahead of body build, hair, and legs. So, if you have a beautiful smile, flaunt it!


Smiling is contagious!

If you want to cheer someone who is having a bad day, all it takes is a smile. It’s easier than you think! Did you know that you need only 17 muscles of your face to laugh, in comparison to 43 muscles to frown? We spend more energy on appearing unhappy instead of looking cheerful and happy. 


A beautiful smile speaks volumes about a person, often saying more than words ever could.

We all have heard the old saying that a beautiful smile opens many doors. According to the statistics of a survey provided by the American Dental Association (ADA) in 2015, 28% of the young adult respondents believed that their smile has a direct effect on the ability to perform well during a job interview. This is because when you smile, you come across as more self-assured and approachable, which can make others feel comfortable around you.

Your smile and facial aesthetics have become even more critical when you work in a line of work which involves human interaction. It has been shown that people who smile more often appear intelligent and trustworthy. So, if you want to become the employee of the month, or want your business to prosper, you should smile more often, especially when you’re dealing with clients or customers.


Smiling helps you live a long and fulfilling life

Stress and anxiety have been shown to be key culprits that can speed up the ageing process. However, even when you are feeling incredibly stressed, try focusing on feelings of happiness. You will likely find that you begin feeling more relaxed. Not only this, but smiling can also provide help in reducing the levels of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline.

Now, we know from experience that the habit of smiling can help us in becoming successful and achieving a better quality of life. However, do you know what makes smiling even more effective? The attractiveness of your smile is mostly dependent on your teeth. In a survey by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD), 37% of the respondents stated that individuals with cosmetic teeth defects appeared less attractive, while 25% of them were found to be less confident.

If you are having cosmetic problems with your teeth that are negatively affecting your personality, then there is no need to worry. At Dental Designs Clinic, we provide cosmetic or aesthetics dental services to help you achieve an attractive and charming smile.

  • Stained Teeth – The ideal cosmetic option for getting rid of teeth stains is professional teeth whitening to get a brighter smile. If the stains in your teeth are permanent however, you may require dental porcelain veneers or crowns instead.
  • Crooked or Fractured Teeth – Damaged teeth that are crooked or fractured can be cosmetically restored by using porcelain veneers or crowns. We provide same-day crowns that are manufactured using CAD CAM technology. They are shown to be more durable and aesthetically pleasing than traditional ones.
  • Missing Teeth – Dental implant supported artificial teeth is the most durable and aesthetic option for replacing missing natural teeth.
  • Misaligned Teeth – If you have crowded, gapped or irregularly place teeth and you are looking to get your teeth straightened without anyone noticing your braces, Invisalign may be the answer. These are removable aligners which are transparent and virtually invisible when you smile or speak. They are much more comfortable and convenient to use than braces.


There is nothing more attractive in this world than a simple and sincere smile. Try it out for yourself, and you will be amazed by the results. In case you have cosmetic dental problems, don’t worry, your dentist is there is give you a smile that you can show off! 

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  1. Machado AW. 10 commandments of smile esthetics. Dental Press J Orthod. 2014 Jul-Aug;19(4):136-57. doi: 10.1590/2176-9451.19.4.136-157.sar. PMID: 25279532; PMCID: PMC4296640.
  2. Ambadar Z, Cohn JF, Reed LI. All Smiles are Not Created Equal: Morphology and Timing of Smiles Perceived as Amused, Polite, and Embarrassed/Nervous. J Nonverbal Behav. 2009 Mar 1;33(1):17-34. doi: 10.1007/s10919-008-0059-5. PMID: 19554208; PMCID: PMC2701206.