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How To Treat Gum Disease With Laser - Dental Designs Clinic 2024

Written by Dental Designs Clinic Singapore | Jul 10, 2024 10:30:00 AM

We all prefer effective but non-invasive treatments that gives minimal discomfort and faster recovery times. Traditional surgical procedures can be daunting due to concerns about pain, swelling and other potential complications. Recently, lasers have emerged as a significant advancement in dental care, providing a minimally invasive alternative to conventional surgical techniques. One notable procedure is the LANAP protocol, specifically for treating advanced gum disease.

LANAP, or Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure, is the only FDA-approved laser treatment scientifically proven to manage gum disease effectively. It offers a minimally invasive alternative to traditional methods in managing gum disease. Let's explore this innovative procedure to understand how it has changed the approach to treating gum disease.

What is LANAP and how does it treat gum disease with laser?

Poor oral hygiene can lead to dental plaque build-up, causing various stages of gum disease. As the disease progresses, it can result in swollen gums, bad breath and even bone loss, threatening the support your teeth rely on. The primary objective of LANAP (Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure) is to address gum disease causes by using laser to remove infected tissue along the gum line, promoting healing and regeneration without the need for tissue grafting or bone grafting.

The LANAP protocol utilises a specific type of laser known as Nd:YAG laser.

Effect of Nd:YAG Laser on Tissues

  1. The laser targets and eliminates specific bacteria, eliminating their toxins and preventing further growth.
  2. It seals the gum tissue by heating it, which helps in controlling bleeding by closing blood vessels. 
  3. The thermal effect of the laser aids in more efficient cell healing, thereby supporting overall tissue recovery.


What are the differences between LANAP and traditional gum disease treatment?

Traditional gum disease treatments differ from the LANAP procedure in the following ways:


  Traditional Treatments LANAP Treatment
Procedure Invasive and resective; involves surgical techniques to cut into gums Minimally invasive and regenerative; uses laser technology to target diseased tissue precisely
Reduced Discomfort May involve more pain and discomfort due to invasive procedures Causes less pain and discomfort during and after treatment
Faster Healing Longer healing time, requiring more recovery Promotes faster recovery with less post-operative downtime
Preserves Healthy Tissue May remove healthy tissue along with diseased areas Targets only diseased tissue, leaving healthy tissue intact
Minimal Bleeding More bleeding during surgery Minimal bleeding during treatment
Predictable Treatment Outcomes Outcomes may vary based on surgical skill and patient response Offers predictable and consistent results
Patient Comfort

Patients may experience anxiety and discomfort

Provides a more comfortable treatment experience

Stitches Required Not required



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How effective is LANAP in treating gum disease?

LANAP has shown promising results in treating advanced form of gum disease, known as periodontitis. Research shows that LANAP can reduce gum pocket depths by nearly 50%, signifying improved gum health. Furthermore, notable increase in the supporting bone density was observed, suggesting successful regeneration of bone tissue around the teeth.

Additionally, LANAP is noted for its ability to promote healing with minimal discomfort for patients during the recovery phase. This feature is particularly advantageous as it improves patient comfort and compliance throughout the treatment journey.

By effectively deep cleaning and encouraging guided tissue regeneration, LANAP ensures that the teeth fit properly. Regular brushing and flossing are essential to maintaining healthy gums and teeth but LANAP offers an advanced solution when more intensive treatment is needed.

Click here to learn more about the LANAP procedure.



LANAP is an effective and patient-friendly approach for managing periodontal conditions, offering therapeutic benefits and facilitating a positive recovery experience. Its minimally invasive nature and ability to preserve healthy gum tissue make it a preferred choice for many patients seeking advanced teeth and gums disease treatment.

Are you interested in book a LANAP consultation appointment with us? Just drop us a message here and we will be happy to assist!

WhatsApp us at : +65 8200 9092

Call us at : +65 6221 8284



  1. Yukna RA. Clinical evaluation of Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure® (LANAP®) surgical treatment of chronic periodontitis: a retrospective case series of 1-year results in 22 consecutive patients. J Periodontal Implant Sci. 2023 Jun;53(3):173-183. doi: 10.5051/jpis.2202580129. Epub 2022 Nov 15. PMID: 36468483; PMCID: PMC10315259.
  2. Jha A, Gupta V, Adinarayan R. LANAP, Periodontics and Beyond: A Review. J Lasers Med Sci. 2018 Spring;9(2):76-81. doi: 10.15171/jlms.2018.16. Epub 2018 Mar 20. PMID: 30026890; PMCID: PMC6046393.