
Top 10 FAQs and Insights on Invisalign Attachments

Dental Designs Clinic Singapore
14 Feb, 2024

If you’re considering Invisalign to get straight teeth, you might have heard about attachments. But what exactly are these attachments and why do you need them? Let’s dive right into the essentials of Invisalign attachments with this helpful FAQ guide.


1) What Are Invisalign Attachments?

Invisalign attachments are small, tooth-colored bumps that are bonded to your teeth during your Invisalign treatment. They are made from composite resin, which is a material similar to what is used for dental fillings. These attachments serve as anchor points that helps your aligner trays grip your teeth more effectively, allowing them to apply the precise control of pressure necessary for complex tooth movements and to correct position and straighten crooked teeth.


2) How Do Attachments Work?

During your Invisalign journey, you may encounter Invisalign buttons, which are small pieces of composite that the dentist applies to certain teeth to assist in moving teeth more effectively. These buttons come in different shapes and sizes, depending on your treatment needs, and work together with your Invisalign trays to achieve the desired results.

Attachments are strategically placed in precise locations on the tooth surface during the treatment process. The precise placement ensures that the aligner fits snugly and exerts gentle pressure with additional leverage. Without these attachments, orthodontic issues involving significant tooth rotation or movement may not be corrected as successfully. Their roles therefore includes

  • Enhanced Grip: They allow aligner trays to fit more snugly and grip the teeth better.
  • Complex Movements: Attachments enable the trays to exert the additional force needed for complex tooth movements that would not be possible with aligner trays alone.
  • Targeted Pressure: They serve to direct the pressure to very specific parts of a tooth, such as for rotating rounded teeth or moving them vertically.
  • Efficiency: By providing extra leverage, attachments often reduce overall treatment time compared to aligners without them.

The intelligent placement and use of attachments facilitate a higher success rate in correcting orthodontic issues that might otherwise require traditional braces or more extensive orthodontic work for a straighter smile.


3) Do Attachments Hurt?

Most patients experience only minimal discomfort when attachments are placed. The process involves applying composite resin to your teeth and then hardening it with a special light.

While the process may cause some temporary sensitivity, it’s usually not painful. Once in place, the attachments shouldn’t cause significant discomfort. Nevertheless, any discomfort can be managed with over-the-counter pain medications.


4) How Are Attachments Placed?

The placement of attachments is a simple process. First, a template aligner will be used to ensure precise location and bonding. The attachment material is applied to the tooth surface with the assistance of the template aligner. It is then secured with bonding agent and hardened with a special light.

These attachments are important for both the treatment process and treatment time, as they are designed to facilitate the aligner trays in exerting gentle pressure on individual teeth to achieve the desired movements.

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5) How Long Do Invisalign Attachments Stay On?

Attachments are typically worn throughout most of your Invisalign treatment. They will remain on your teeth until they are no longer needed, which could be several months or the entire duration of your treatment. It is a straightforward process. Once your treatment is complete, your dentist will remove them during a follow-up appointment.


6) Will Attachments Affect My Speech?

Initially, you might notice a slight change in your speech due to the attachments. However, most people adapt quickly and any speech issues usually resolve within a few days as you get used to them.


7) How Do I Take Care of My Attachments?

Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential when you have Invisalign attachments. Take extra care to brush your teeth and attachments thoroughly to avoid plaque buildup around them. These areas are more susceptible to accumulating food particles, plaque buildup and tooth decay, therefore necessitating proper dental care.


8) Can Attachments Be Replaced or Adjusted?

Yes, if an attachment composite material becomes damaged or if adjustments are needed, your dentist can replace or modify them. Regular check-ups will help ensure that everything is progressing smoothly and that any necessary adjustments are made promptly.


9) Are Attachments Visible?

The attachment material are made from tooth-colored material, so they blend in with the tooth surface and are less noticeable than traditional braces. However, they might be slightly visible, especially on precise locations or when you closely examine your smile.


10) Are Attachments Necessary for Invisalign?

Invisalign attachments are not necessary for every patient undergoing orthodontic treatment with aligner trays. Their necessity depends on the specific orthodontic issues being addressed and the complexity of the tooth movements required.

For patients with minor alignment concerns that involve straightforward shifting of teeth, the treatment may proceed successfully without the need for attachments. However, if the treatment plan includes rotational movements, significant tooth movement, or adjustments to the bite, attachments are often essential.

Would you like to know about traditional metal braces instead? Click here to read about traditional metal braces with Dental Designs Clinic!

It's important to maintain good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly, especially around the buttons, to keep your teeth healthy while you wear Invisalign. Proper care ensures that your treatment progresses smoothly and leads to a successful outcome.



Invisalign attachments may seem like a small detail but they play a big part in making sure your treatment is as effective as possible. They help guide your teeth into the right position for a beautiful smile.

Interested in coming down for an Invisalign check up? Simply drop us a message here and we will be happy to assist!



  1. Karras, T., Singh, M., Karkazis, E., Liu, D., Nimeri, G., & Ahuja, B. (2021). Efficacy of Invisalign attachments: a retrospective study. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 160(2), 250-258.
  2. Weckmann, J., Scharf, S., Graf, I., Schwarze, J., Keilig, L., Bourauel, C., & Braumann, B. (2020). Influence of attachment bonding protocol on precision of the attachment in aligner treatments. Journal of Orofacial Orthopedics/Fortschritte der Kieferorthopadie, 81(1).