
Botox Treatment


What is Botox?

You’ve probably heard of Botox being used to smooth out wrinkles and give people a more youthful appearance. But Botox does so much more than that! It’s made from Botulinum Toxin, a substance that has been widely used in medicine to treat issues such as migraines and muscle spasms.

Botox injections, commonly used in dentistry, In dentistry, Botox can help with conditions such as jaw pain, teeth grinding, excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) and dynamic wrinkles and even plays a role in enhancing your smile. So, whether you’re seeking relief from facial discomfort or simply want a more confident smile, Botox offers a versatile solution that goes beyond just reducing wrinkles.

How Does Botox Work?


By injecting small amounts of botulinum toxin nerve signals are blocked, leading to temporary muscle relaxation. This relaxation can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, particularly frown lines, and help alleviate issues related to the jaw muscles, such as bruxism (teeth grinding). 
This leads to two key benefits

Therapeutic: Botox stops muscles from tightening up as much and works to relax them instead, therefore reducing pain and discomfort.

Aesthetics: Botox smooths out wrinkles and fine lines, therefore enhancing appearance by creating a refreshed look.

Think of it like pressing pause on your muscles, giving them a chance to relax. The effects last about three to six months, after which muscle activity gradually returns. The treatment can be repeated to maintain the results.

How Botox Supports Your Smile


As we age, collagen and elastin decreases and fine lines will start to appear on the forehead. Botox helps smooth out those horizontal lines.

Estimated units required: 30-90

The frown lines at the glabella (area in between the eye brows) often appears while frowning. Botox helps smooth out these vertical lines between the eyebrows.

Estimated units required: 50-90

The skin at the outer corner of our eyebrows droops as we age. Botox helps create a subtle lifting effect in the brow area.

Estimated units required: 6-12

Crow's feet often appear while laughing or squinting. Botox reduces these fine lines around the eyes.

Estimated units required: 36-45

When excessive gum is visible when smiling, it can affect your overall appearance. Botox helps minimise gum exposure for a more balanced smile.

Estimated units required: 10-20

Botox is commonly used to treat areas prone to dynamic wrinkles, like those around the mouth and jaw. Botox helps slim the jawline and relieve symptoms of bruxism.

Estimated units required: 50-90

The corners of our mouth may sag as we age. Botox lifts the corners of the lips for a more positive expression.

Estimated units required: 60

When the chin muscles contract, it can cause lines to appear. Botox helps smooth out dimpling and wrinkles on the chin.

Estimated units required: 30

At Dental Designs, we use the Dysport® brand for its reliable and effective results.
Grey and Beige This or That Comparison Instagram Post (15)

FDA-Approved: This means it’s been tested and found safe to use

Grey and Beige This or That Comparison Instagram Post (16)

Minimal side effects

Grey and Beige This or That Comparison Instagram Post (14)

Lighter Molecular Weight: The smaller particles allow it to cover larger areas effectively

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Quick Results: Shows results in 2-3 days (faster than other brands that take 7-9 days)

Botox Works Hand-in-Hand with Dental Treatments

While Botox is effective on its own, pairing it with dental treatments can lead to even better, longer-lasting results!

For example, individuals who grind their teeth often experience jaw pain and headaches due to overactive muscles. Botox helps by reducing muscle activity, providing relief from these symptoms. When combined with a dental mouth guard, the treatment becomes even more comprehensive. The mouth guard protects teeth from damage, while Botox minimises muscle overactivity, addressing both the underlying cause and the effects of grinding.


How Is Botox Applied In Dentistry?

Improve Aesthetics

Reduces Wrinkles: Botox relaxes muscles that cause wrinkles and fine lines, leading to smoother skin.


Enhances Facial Harmony: The overall appearance becomes more cohesive, improving aesthetic balance.

Enhance My Smile
TMJ Disorder Management

Alleviates Pain: Botox helps relieve chronic jaw pain by relaxing overactive jaw muscles.


Improves Jaw Function: Reduces tension, making it easier to open and close the mouth comfortably.

Manage My TMJ Disorder
Teeth Grinding Management

Reduces Grinding Force: Botox decreases muscle activity in the jaw, lessening the strength of clenching and grinding.


Alleviates Pain: Botox also helps to ease the jaw pain and discomfort that often accompany teeth grinding.

Protect From Teeth Grinding
Gummy Smile Correction

Achieves a Balanced Smile: Helps reduce excessive gum exposure for a more proportionate smile.


Minimally-Invasive: Provides a quick solution without the extensive recovery of surgical procedures.

Treat My Gummy Smile
Facial Pain & Headache Relief

Reduce Episodes: Botox decrease frequency and number of headaches experienced.


Decreases Severity of Pain: Provides relief from the intensity of headaches and facial pain, improving daily functioning.

Holistic Dental Treatments
Assists Orthodontic Treatment

Minimises Discomfort: Reduces muscle tension, hence making orthodontic adjustments more comfortable.


Facilitates Treatment Progress: Relaxes jaw muscles and facilitates smoother tooth movement, thus speeding up progress.

Straighten My Teeth With Invisalign
Improve Aesthetics

Reduces Wrinkles: Botox relaxes muscles that cause wrinkles and fine lines, leading to smoother skin.


Enhances Facial Harmony: The overall appearance becomes more cohesive, improving aesthetic balance.

Enhance My Smile
TMJ Disorder Management

Alleviates Pain: Botox helps relieve chronic jaw pain by relaxing overactive jaw muscles.


Improves Jaw Function: Reduces tension, making it easier to open and close the mouth comfortably.

Manage My TMJ Disorder
Teeth Grinding Management

Reduces Grinding Force: Botox decreases muscle activity in the jaw, lessening the strength of clenching and grinding.


Alleviates Pain: Botox also helps to ease the jaw pain and discomfort that often accompany teeth grinding.

Protect From Teeth Grinding
Gummy Smile Correction

Achieves a Balanced Smile: Helps reduce excessive gum exposure for a more proportionate smile.


Minimally-Invasive: Provides a quick solution without the extensive recovery of surgical procedures.

Treat My Gummy Smile
Facial Pain & Headache Relief

Reduce Episodes: Botox decrease frequency and number of headaches experienced.


Decreases Severity of Pain: Provides relief from the intensity of headaches and facial pain, improving daily functioning.

Holistic Dental Treatments
Assists Orthodontic Treatment

Minimises Discomfort: Reduces muscle tension, hence making orthodontic adjustments more comfortable.


Facilitates Treatment Progress: Relaxes jaw muscles and facilitates smoother tooth movement, thus speeding up progress.

Straighten My Teeth With Invisalign

Why Should I Visit A Dentist For Botox Treatment?

Dentists have a thorough understanding of the intricate structures of your face, including the muscles, nerves and skin. Their training enables them to work effectively with both your facial features and your teeth, allowing them to use Botox for more than just cosmetic enhancements. They can also address functional issues, such as jaw pain and teeth grinding.


So when you visit a dentist, you’re not just improving your appearance—you’re also addressing any underlying concerns, giving you a well-rounded treatment that takes care of all your needs!


FAQs About Botox

Is Botox safe?

Yes, Botox is considered safe when administered by skilled dental professionals. At Dental Designs, we use FDA-approved Botulinum Toxin for safe and reliable results.

Is Botox painful?

Most patients report minimal discomfort during treatment. Our dentists use very thin needles and the injection process is quick. While you might feel a slight pinch or sting, any discomfort typically fades rapidly.

How long does Botox last?

The effects usually last between 3-6 months, depending on the individual and the specific area treated. After this period, muscle activity gradually returns but our team can help you schedule follow-up treatments to maintain your desired results.

Will I get a frozen face after Botox?

Many people worry about an overly stiff or unnatural appearance after Botox but at Dental Designs, we prioritise a subtle, natural look. Our approach involves using less product during the initial treatment and allowing for adjustments or touch-ups to avoid a frozen face.

How to prepare for a Botox appointment?

It’s best to come in without any makeup on your face, as this allows the doctor to see your skin clearly and apply the treatment effectively. Also, please let the doctor know if you’ve had Botox before, including when your last treatment was.

What is the downtime after getting Botox?

The downtime is minimal and most patients can resume their regular activities immediately. However, we recommend avoiding strenuous exercise, excessive sun exposure and touching the treated area for the first 24-36 hours to ensure optimal results.


Number of implants needed

Implant placement

Implant angulation

Need for bone grafting and other surgical procedures like sinus lift and nerve repositioning

Treatment timeline

Traditional Implants

Requires one implant for each missing tooth

Implants have to be placed where the individual tooth is missing

Align with adjacent teeth and supporting bone

High probability, especially if sufficient bone is not present to support the implant, or vital structures like nerves and sinus membrane are in close proximity

Have to wait for a healing period of 3-6 months before artificial teeth can be placed

All-on-4 Implants

Requires 4 implants to replace an entire jaw of missing teeth

Implants are strategically placed in areas of jawbone with the highest bone density

Two implants at the back are placed at 30-45 degrees

Less probability of requiring adjunct surgical procedures

You receive your temporary artificial teeth immediately after placement of the implants

What It Means If You Choose All-on-4

Overall cost of treatment is reduced

Stable implants and artificial teeth

Stress from daily activities such as chewing and swallowing is distributed efficiently

Overall cost of treatment is reduced, less recovery time and less stress for patient

Patient receive their new teeth on the same day as surgery


Number of implants needed

Implant placement

Implant angulation

Need for bone grafting and other surgical procedures like sinus lift and nerve repositioning

Treatment timeline

Traditional Implants

Requires one implant for each missing tooth

Implants have to be placed where the individual tooth is missing

Align with adjacent teeth and supporting bone

High probability, especially if sufficient bone is not present to support the implant, or vital structures like nerves and sinus membrane are in close proximity

Have to wait for a healing period of 3-6 months before artificial teeth can be placed

All-on-4 Implants

Requires 4 implants to replace an entire jaw of missing teeth

Implants are strategically placed in areas of jawbone with the highest bone density

Two implants at the back are placed at 30-45 degrees

Less probability of requiring adjunct surgical procedures

You receive your temporary artificial teeth immediately after placement of the implants

What It Means If You Choose All-on-4

Overall cost of treatment is reduced

Stable implants and artificial teeth

Stress from daily activities such as chewing and swallowing is distributed efficiently

Overall cost of treatment is reduced, less recovery time and less stress for patient

Patient receive their new teeth on the same day as surgery


Number of implants needed

Implant placement

Implant angulation

Need for bone grafting and other surgical procedures like sinus lift and nerve repositioning

Treatment timeline

Traditional Implants

Requires one implant for each missing tooth

Implants have to be placed where the individual tooth is missing

Align with adjacent teeth and supporting bone

High probability, especially if sufficient bone is not present to support the implant, or vital structures like nerves and sinus membrane are in close proximity

Have to wait for a healing period of 3-6 months before artificial teeth can be placed

All-on-4 Implants

Requires 4 implants to replace an entire jaw of missing teeth

Implants are strategically placed in areas of jawbone with the highest bone density

Two implants at the back are placed at 30-45 degrees

Less probability of requiring adjunct surgical procedures

You receive your temporary artificial teeth immediately after placement of the implants

What It Means If You Choose All-on-4

Overall cost of treatment is reduced

Stable implants and artificial teeth

Stress from daily activities such as chewing and swallowing is distributed efficiently

Overall cost of treatment is reduced, less recovery time and less stress for patient

Patient receive their new teeth on the same day as surgery


Number of implants needed

Implant placement

Implant angulation

Need for bone grafting and other surgical procedures like sinus lift and nerve repositioning

Treatment timeline

Traditional Implants

Requires one implant for each missing tooth

Implants have to be placed where the individual tooth is missing

Align with adjacent teeth and supporting bone

High probability, especially if sufficient bone is not present to support the implant, or vital structures like nerves and sinus membrane are in close proximity

Have to wait for a healing period of 3-6 months before artificial teeth can be placed

All-on-4 Implants

Requires 4 implants to replace an entire jaw of missing teeth

Implants are strategically placed in areas of jawbone with the highest bone density

Two implants at the back are placed at 30-45 degrees

Less probability of requiring adjunct surgical procedures

You receive your temporary artificial teeth immediately after placement of the implants

What It Means If You Choose All-on-4

Overall cost of treatment is reduced

Stable implants and artificial teeth

Stress from daily activities such as chewing and swallowing is distributed efficiently

Overall cost of treatment is reduced, less recovery time and less stress for patient

Patient receive their new teeth on the same day as surgery

Cost of Botox in Singapore

The cost of Botox can vary significantly, depending on the treatment plan developed by the dentist for each individual patient.

A key factor influencing the price is the treatment area; different facial regions require different amounts of Botox due to unique muscle structures and activity levels. This variation influences how much Botox is needed, which is measured in units. For example, treating crow's feet around the eyes usually costs less than addressing deeper forehead lines. For multiple areas or larger regions, the cost will be adjusted accordingly.

During your consultation, your dentist will assess your specific needs and provide you with a detailed breakdown of the costs involved, enabling you to make an informed decision about your treatment and budget accordingly.


$5.45 per unit*

Botox $5.45 per unit
  • Forehead lines: 30-90 units
  • Frown lines: 50-90 units
  • Brow lift: 6-12 units
  • Crow's feet: 36-45 units
  • Gummy smile: 10-20 units
  • Masseter jaw: 50-90 units
  • Downturned lips: 60 units
  • Chin dimpling: 30 units

*Price are inclusive of 9% GST

*The prices quoted are the minimum, but some may require additional units, especially for those who have had Botox before.

Cost of Mouth Guard in Singapore

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Sed elementum pretium scelerisque aliquet nibh duis. Tellus fringilla luctus posuere amet vitae tortor aliquam dui ipsum. Diam nam pellentesque sed viverra consequat nibh lectus. Pretium vitae neque at elit scelerisque non libero. Morbi non posuere sed consequat pulvinar et tincidunt. Mattis fames vel neque neque tempor molestie cursus neque. Malesuada non eget adipiscing cursus purus iaculis sed dui.

Est fringilla arcu interdum in proin ac. Nibh laoreet mattis amet amet enim.



Option One $100
Option Two $150
Option Three $200
Option Four $250
Option Five $300

*Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.
**Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.

Creating Smiles, Changing Lives

Over 28 reviews

The service and doctor is the best in town! The customer service and receptionists are very friendly! Dr Phillip Miller and Dr Noah Teo is very nice and very professional on their skill! They also very patient to explain to me about the treatment!

Will come back again!

Thank you very much!

Beautiful and friendly dental clinic, was recommended by my colleague. Been coming here for dental cleaning and fillings. Always a good visit!
J. Kho

This dental clinic has very good staff who are well trained and friendly. The dentists are also very good and will explain the treatment in detail before starting treatment. The equipment is very high tech and I believe they are able to do high quality work as I did my crown here and it looks much better than my colleague who also recently did his at another place. The waiting room is also very comfortable. good job!

C. Zheng De

This clinic is one of the best I have ever seen. I saw dr Justin for my implant which I did many years ago, the tooth was loose, and other drs told me to remove it as they could not find out what brand it was but dr Justin was able to take 3d xrays and locate the brand and specially ordered the part in. he saved me from having to do a surgery to remove and put a new implant which would have cost me a bomb. the tooth looks even better than the original thanks to the experieced dental technician Katsuya from Japan. 

Very happy and will keep coming back for my regular dental. 

G. Hock An

my workplace is close by and I had a problem with my tooth for a few days, so I made an appointment to come down. The receptionist who booked my appointment was very helpful and friendly to explain the way to the clinic from my office. I saw Dr Nicholas who was able to do a root canal treatment on the same visit so that I didn't need to come back. I felt safe and comfortable to do my dental treatment here as the dental picks are all wrapped up and sterilized and only opened before each treatment when im inside. 

P. Wendy

Customer testimonials

The service and doctor is the best in town! The customer service and receptionists are very friendly! Dr Phillip Miller and Dr Noah Teo is very nice and very professional on their skill! They also very patient to explain to me about the treatment!

Will come back again!

Thank you very much!

Beautiful and friendly dental clinic, was recommended by my colleague. Been coming here for dental cleaning and fillings. Always a good visit!
J. Kho

This dental clinic has very good staff who are well trained and friendly. The dentists are also very good and will explain the treatment in detail before starting treatment. The equipment is very high tech and I believe they are able to do high quality work as I did my crown here and it looks much better than my colleague who also recently did his at another place. The waiting room is also very comfortable. good job!

C. Zheng De

This clinic is one of the best I have ever seen. I saw dr Justin for my implant which I did many years ago, the tooth was loose, and other drs told me to remove it as they could not find out what brand it was but dr Justin was able to take 3d xrays and locate the brand and specially ordered the part in. he saved me from having to do a surgery to remove and put a new implant which would have cost me a bomb. the tooth looks even better than the original thanks to the experieced dental technician Katsuya from Japan. 

Very happy and will keep coming back for my regular dental. 

G. Hock An

my workplace is close by and I had a problem with my tooth for a few days, so I made an appointment to come down. The receptionist who booked my appointment was very helpful and friendly to explain the way to the clinic from my office. I saw Dr Nicholas who was able to do a root canal treatment on the same visit so that I didn't need to come back. I felt safe and comfortable to do my dental treatment here as the dental picks are all wrapped up and sterilized and only opened before each treatment when im inside. 

P. Wendy

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