
Sports Guard


What is a Sports Guard?

In the world of sports, where physicality and intensity are often at their peak, protection is not just a luxury but a necessity. Athletes are constantly exposed to the risk of oral and facial injuries during play. This is where the sports guard comes in as an important piece of equipment, serving as a shield against these potential risks.

The sports guard's primary function is to provide a cushioning effect, absorbing and dispersing the force of impact to reduce the severity of potential injuries.

In a place like sunny Singapore, where sports are a year-round passion, the risk of dental injuries is notably high. Whether engaging in contact or non-contact sports, athletes of all disciplines can benefit from the added protection of a sports guard. It's not just about staying in the game; it's about staying safe and ensuring that the joy of sports is not overshadowed by preventable injuries.

What Does A Sports Guard Do?

Protecting your teeth from impacts can prevent issues such as teeth grinding and jaw pain that, if left untreated, can lead to more serious dental problems. Regular dental check-ups, combined with the use of a custom sports guard, ensure your teeth and jaws remain healthy and strong.

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Cushioning Effect

Sports guards act as a buffer, preventing lacerations, bruising and tooth fractures during impact by cushioning and redistributing force.


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Prevents Concussion

Double mouthpiece types have been shown to prevent concussion and spinal injuries by stabilising the position of the lower jaw and protecting the jaw joints.

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Relaxes Muscles

A sports guard alleviates tension in the face and neck muscles, stabilises core muscles and potentially enhances athletic performance.

Increases Confidence

Athletes feel more confident with sports guards on, focusing better on their game without fear of injury, potentially enhancing performance.

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Cushioning Effect

Sports guards act as a buffer, preventing lacerations, bruising and tooth fractures during impact by cushioning and redistributing force.


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Prevents Concussion

Double mouthpiece types have been shown to prevent concussion and spinal injuries by stabilising the position of the lower jaw and protecting the jaw joints.

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Relaxes Muscles

A sports guard alleviates tension in the face and neck muscles, stabilises core muscles and potentially enhances athletic performance.

Increases Confidence

Athletes feel more confident with sports guards on, focusing better on their game without fear of injury, potentially enhancing performance.

Score Big with Our In-House Custom-Designed Sports Guard!

Each sports guard that we create is individually made in our in-house dental laboratory for quality control, ensuring an optimum fit for better comfort. 

Whether you're engaging in contact sports like rugby, boxing, and football, or non-contact sports such as mountain biking and basketball, our custom sports guards offer maximum protection for your teeth and gums.

Our sports mouthguards are crafted to ensure a precise fit for both upper and lower teeth, and custom-fitted sports guards provide better protection and comfort. 


Choosing the Right Sports Guard: Custom vs. Over-the-Counter Options

Selecting the appropriate sports guard is critical to ensure the safety of your teeth and mouth during physical activities to prevent dental injuries such as broken teeth, jaw pain, and dental trauma.

Custom-made sports guards are tailored to fit your teeth precisely, providing optimal protection against impact injuries. They offer a higher level of comfort and are less likely to impede speech or breathing compared to over-the-counter options.

Additionally, custom guards are made from high-quality materials, making them more durable and longer-lasting. While they may be more expensive initially, the investment in a custom-fitted sports guard can ultimately save you money by preventing costly dental injuries.

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Introducing DuraSport

DuraSport is our custom-designed sports guard made right in our dental laboratory. Constructed from ethylene-vinyl-acetate (EVA), a type of thermoplastic material, it can be molded precisely to fit each individual teeth.

EVA is a durable material that is able to endure the demands of rigorous sports and activities. Its shock absorption properties help minimise the risk of dental injuries from impacts to the mouth. Moreover, EVA's resilience against tearing and abrasion ensures the sports guard remains reliable and effective, even during intense physical exertion.

Tailored Protection: DuraSport Customised To Suit Your Needs


This is the most common type of sports guard and is designed to fit over the upper teeth, providing a protective barrier. It cushions the upper teeth against impact, reducing the risk of dental injuries such as fractures or knocked-out teeth. Additionally, while it covers the upper teeth, the design allows the lower jaw to move naturally and freely.

It is recommended for all activities that pose a risk to your teeth, particularly contact and combat sports.


These resemble single mouthpiece guards as they cover the upper teeth, but with an added feature: the bottom surface is laminated with indentations that match the lower teeth. This design helps set the lower teeth in place and prevents the lower jaw from moving excessively.

This type is recommended for athletes participating in high-impact sports such as football and martial arts. It is also suitable for weightlifters, as the bite lamination helps set the teeth together, allowing them to clench effectively as they lift.


Double mouthpiece guards fully cover both the upper and lower teeth, offering more comprehensive protection than single mouthpiece guards. They not only protect both sets of teeth but also help stabilise the lower jaw, reducing the risk of jaw injuries.

This is especially beneficial for athletes involved in sports that demand quick, intense movements such as football, boxing, rugby and hockey. It is also ideal for professional athletes and individuals participating in combat sports.

Tailored Protection: DuraSport Customised To Suit Your Needs

This is the most common type of sports guard and is designed to fit over the upper teeth, providing a protective barrier. It cushions the upper teeth against impact, reducing the risk of dental injuries such as fractures or knocked-out teeth. Additionally, while it covers the upper teeth, the design allows the lower jaw to move naturally and freely.

It is recommended for all activities that pose a risk to your teeth, particularly contact and combat sports.

These resemble single mouthpiece guards as they cover the upper teeth, but with an added feature: the bottom surface is laminated with indentations that match the lower teeth. This design helps set the lower teeth in place and prevents the lower jaw from moving excessively.

This type is recommended for athletes participating in high-impact sports such as football and martial arts. It is also suitable for weightlifters, as the bite lamination helps set the teeth together, allowing them to clench effectively as they lift.

Double mouthpiece guards fully cover both the upper and lower teeth, offering more comprehensive protection than single mouthpiece guards. They not only protect both sets of teeth but also help stabilise the lower jaw, reducing the risk of jaw injuries.

This is especially beneficial for athletes involved in sports that demand quick, intense movements such as football, boxing, rugby and hockey. It is also ideal for professional athletes and individuals participating in combat sports.

Dental Designs X DuraSport

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First Piece


Group (8)-1
Additional 2nd Piece


Group (9)-1
3rd Piece Or More


Mouth guard

Curious About Dental Mouth Guard in Singapore?

Grab our free Dental Mouth Guard Guidebook


Number of implants needed

Implant placement

Implant angulation

Need for bone grafting and other surgical procedures like sinus lift and nerve repositioning

Treatment timeline

Traditional Implants

Requires one implant for each missing tooth

Implants have to be placed where the individual tooth is missing

Align with adjacent teeth and supporting bone

High probability, especially if sufficient bone is not present to support the implant, or vital structures like nerves and sinus membrane are in close proximity

Have to wait for a healing period of 3-6 months before artificial teeth can be placed

All-on-4 Implants

Requires 4 implants to replace an entire jaw of missing teeth

Implants are strategically placed in areas of jawbone with the highest bone density

Two implants at the back are placed at 30-45 degrees

Less probability of requiring adjunct surgical procedures

You receive your temporary artificial teeth immediately after placement of the implants

What It Means If You Choose All-on-4

Overall cost of treatment is reduced

Stable implants and artificial teeth

Stress from daily activities such as chewing and swallowing is distributed efficiently

Overall cost of treatment is reduced, less recovery time and less stress for patient

Patient receive their new teeth on the same day as surgery


Number of implants needed

Implant placement

Implant angulation

Need for bone grafting and other surgical procedures like sinus lift and nerve repositioning

Treatment timeline

Traditional Implants

Requires one implant for each missing tooth

Implants have to be placed where the individual tooth is missing

Align with adjacent teeth and supporting bone

High probability, especially if sufficient bone is not present to support the implant, or vital structures like nerves and sinus membrane are in close proximity

Have to wait for a healing period of 3-6 months before artificial teeth can be placed

All-on-4 Implants

Requires 4 implants to replace an entire jaw of missing teeth

Implants are strategically placed in areas of jawbone with the highest bone density

Two implants at the back are placed at 30-45 degrees

Less probability of requiring adjunct surgical procedures

You receive your temporary artificial teeth immediately after placement of the implants

What It Means If You Choose All-on-4

Overall cost of treatment is reduced

Stable implants and artificial teeth

Stress from daily activities such as chewing and swallowing is distributed efficiently

Overall cost of treatment is reduced, less recovery time and less stress for patient

Patient receive their new teeth on the same day as surgery


Number of implants needed

Implant placement

Implant angulation

Need for bone grafting and other surgical procedures like sinus lift and nerve repositioning

Treatment timeline

Traditional Implants

Requires one implant for each missing tooth

Implants have to be placed where the individual tooth is missing

Align with adjacent teeth and supporting bone

High probability, especially if sufficient bone is not present to support the implant, or vital structures like nerves and sinus membrane are in close proximity

Have to wait for a healing period of 3-6 months before artificial teeth can be placed

All-on-4 Implants

Requires 4 implants to replace an entire jaw of missing teeth

Implants are strategically placed in areas of jawbone with the highest bone density

Two implants at the back are placed at 30-45 degrees

Less probability of requiring adjunct surgical procedures

You receive your temporary artificial teeth immediately after placement of the implants

What It Means If You Choose All-on-4

Overall cost of treatment is reduced

Stable implants and artificial teeth

Stress from daily activities such as chewing and swallowing is distributed efficiently

Overall cost of treatment is reduced, less recovery time and less stress for patient

Patient receive their new teeth on the same day as surgery


Number of implants needed

Implant placement

Implant angulation

Need for bone grafting and other surgical procedures like sinus lift and nerve repositioning

Treatment timeline

Traditional Implants

Requires one implant for each missing tooth

Implants have to be placed where the individual tooth is missing

Align with adjacent teeth and supporting bone

High probability, especially if sufficient bone is not present to support the implant, or vital structures like nerves and sinus membrane are in close proximity

Have to wait for a healing period of 3-6 months before artificial teeth can be placed

All-on-4 Implants

Requires 4 implants to replace an entire jaw of missing teeth

Implants are strategically placed in areas of jawbone with the highest bone density

Two implants at the back are placed at 30-45 degrees

Less probability of requiring adjunct surgical procedures

You receive your temporary artificial teeth immediately after placement of the implants

What It Means If You Choose All-on-4

Overall cost of treatment is reduced

Stable implants and artificial teeth

Stress from daily activities such as chewing and swallowing is distributed efficiently

Overall cost of treatment is reduced, less recovery time and less stress for patient

Patient receive their new teeth on the same day as surgery

  1. A 3D scan and printed 3D model of your teeth are included in the price.
  2. These prices are for DuraSport single mouthpiece. For the other types, pricings will differ.
  3. If it’s your first time to our clinic, we require a dental checkup and cleaning (not included) to be done as some oral conditions and/or bacteria buildup can affect the fit of the sports guard.
  4. Price for additional pieces are applicable only when you purchase them together with the first piece.
  5. Prices are subject to prevailing GST.

How Are Sports Guards Different At
Dental Designs?

image 283
Made in our in-house dental lab (Singapore)
image 216
Reduced bacteria accumulation
Pasted-20231227-102730 1
Comfortable and custom-made for a snug fit
image 217
No need to soak in water overnight, simply brush with soap

Cost of Dental Sports Guard (DuraSport) in Singapore

Protecting your teeth is important but cost can be a factor. While generic over-the-counter sports guards can seem cheaper, their bulkiness and poor fit may compromise protection, making custom options a sensible investment.

We offer custom-fitted sports guards as they provide comfort, accurate fit and optimal protection compared to generic alternatives. Our special prices for extra pieces apply when you purchase them along with your first set. These prices include a 3D scan and a model of your teeth.

If you're visiting us for the first time, we would highly recommend you to get a check up and cleaning first. This is important because it helps us ensure that your new sports guard fits perfectly.



First Piece $632.20
Second Piece $505.76
Third and Subsequent Piece $379.32
Bite Lamination (Add-on) +$119.90

*Price are inclusive of 9% GST.

*Price for 2 or more pieces are applicable only when you purchase them at the same time as the first piece.

*These prices are for DuraSport single mouthpiece only. For other types, pricings will differ. Enquire below for more!

Cost of Mouth Guard in Singapore

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Sed elementum pretium scelerisque aliquet nibh duis. Tellus fringilla luctus posuere amet vitae tortor aliquam dui ipsum. Diam nam pellentesque sed viverra consequat nibh lectus. Pretium vitae neque at elit scelerisque non libero. Morbi non posuere sed consequat pulvinar et tincidunt. Mattis fames vel neque neque tempor molestie cursus neque. Malesuada non eget adipiscing cursus purus iaculis sed dui.

Est fringilla arcu interdum in proin ac. Nibh laoreet mattis amet amet enim.



Option One $100
Option Two $150
Option Three $200
Option Four $250
Option Five $300

*Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.
**Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.

Creating Smiles, Changing Lives

Over 28 reviews

The service and doctor is the best in town! The customer service and receptionists are very friendly! Dr Phillip Miller and Dr Noah Teo is very nice and very professional on their skill! They also very patient to explain to me about the treatment!

Will come back again!

Thank you very much!

Beautiful and friendly dental clinic, was recommended by my colleague. Been coming here for dental cleaning and fillings. Always a good visit!
J. Kho

This dental clinic has very good staff who are well trained and friendly. The dentists are also very good and will explain the treatment in detail before starting treatment. The equipment is very high tech and I believe they are able to do high quality work as I did my crown here and it looks much better than my colleague who also recently did his at another place. The waiting room is also very comfortable. good job!

C. Zheng De

This clinic is one of the best I have ever seen. I saw dr Justin for my implant which I did many years ago, the tooth was loose, and other drs told me to remove it as they could not find out what brand it was but dr Justin was able to take 3d xrays and locate the brand and specially ordered the part in. he saved me from having to do a surgery to remove and put a new implant which would have cost me a bomb. the tooth looks even better than the original thanks to the experieced dental technician Katsuya from Japan. 

Very happy and will keep coming back for my regular dental. 

G. Hock An

my workplace is close by and I had a problem with my tooth for a few days, so I made an appointment to come down. The receptionist who booked my appointment was very helpful and friendly to explain the way to the clinic from my office. I saw Dr Nicholas who was able to do a root canal treatment on the same visit so that I didn't need to come back. I felt safe and comfortable to do my dental treatment here as the dental picks are all wrapped up and sterilized and only opened before each treatment when im inside. 

P. Wendy

Frequently Asked Questions About Sports Guard In Singapore

Yes, it's important for children to wear sports guards during physical activities, especially contact sports or activities where mouth or facial injuries can occur. Since children's teeth and jaws are still developing, they are more prone to injuries. A sports guard can protect their teeth, gums, lips and jaw from impact injuries, reducing the risk of dental emergencies.

As children grow and their mouths change, they may outgrow their sports guards. It's essential to regularly check the fit of the sports guard and replace it when it no longer fits properly. Children typically need more frequent replacements than adults due to their growth and development.

Despite the need for periodic replacements, investing in a sports guard for your child is worthwhile. The cost of a sports guard is small compared to the potential damage or injury that could occur to their adult teeth during impact. Protecting their teeth now can prevent costly and painful dental issues in the future.

  1. Rinse with Cold Water: Before and after each use, rinse your sports guard with cold water to remove saliva and bacteria.

  2. Regular Cleaning: Clean your sports guard at least once a week using a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste or mild dish soap.  Using a different toothbrush for cleaning is advisable to avoid transferring soap residue to your regular toothbrush.

  3. Drying and Storage: After cleaning, lay your sports guard on a clean surface to air dry. Once dry, store it in a breathable container to prevent bacteria buildup.

  4. Monthly Deep Cleaning: To deep clean your sports guard, use an over-the-counter non-abrasive daily retainer cleanser once a month. Never soak your sports guard in any liquid containing alcohol, such as mouthwash as it can damage the material.

  5. Know When to Replace: If your sports guard starts to smell or no longer fits comfortably, it may be time to replace it.

By following these instructions, you can keep your sports guard clean, hygienic and effective for protecting your teeth during sports and physical activities.

We advise wearing a mouthguard for any activity that poses a risk to your teeth. According to the American Dental Association, sports guards are recommended for the following sports:

  • Acrobatics
  • American football
  • Baseball/softball
  • Basketball
  • Bicycling
  • Boxing
  • Equestrian events
  • Extreme sports
  • Field events
  • Field hockey
  • Football/soccer
  • Gymnastics
  • Handball
  • Ice hockey
  • Inline skating
  • Lacrosse
  • Martial arts
  • Racquetball
  • Rugby
  • Shot putting
  • Skateboarding
  • Skiing 
  • Skydiving
  • Squash
  • Surfing
  • Volleyball
  • Water polo 
  • Weightlifting
  • Wrestling

You should wear your sports mouthguard whenever you are engaging in physical activities or sports where there is a risk of impact to your mouth or face. This includes activities like basketball, football, soccer, skateboarding, and any other sport where there is a chance of contact or injury to your teeth and mouth. It's important to wear your mouthguard consistently during these activities to protect your teeth and prevent injuries.

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