
Invisalign Retainer: Which Is The Best For You In 2024?

Dental Designs Clinic Singapore
01 Feb, 2024

As you approach the end of your Invisalign or braces journey, a critical decision awaits you - choosing the right retainer! Did you know that there are three uniquely different types of dental retainers available in the market right now, all with different pros and cons? Let’s go through each of them in turn so that you can find the best retainer for your oral health and wellbeing.


What are the different types of retainers?

Retainers are essential for maintaining the results after orthodontic treatment. Here are the main types of retainers.

1) Clear retainers 

These clear plastic retainers have become much more popular in recent years, especially with the rising popularity of clear aligner brands such as Invisalign and Zenyum. Common brands for clear retainers2 include Zendura and Vivera (invisalign retainer). They are commonly made using plastic or polyurethane and are designed specifically for your mouth through the use of 3D imaging technology.


  • Fitted to your teeth and are comfortable to wear
  • Thinner than traditional Hawley retainers
  • Can have multiple copies of them made
  • Almost invisible to the naked eye when worn
  • Easily removable when its mealtime 


  • Not adjustable and you may require new ones if your teeth shift
  • Easy to misplace due to the size and lack of colour
  • Cannot be repaired if broken or cracked
  • Your teeth do not touch naturally with this sort of retainer, so your natural bite could be affected
  • Might become discoloured if you smoke or drink coffee
  • Can lose its shape if exposed to heat


At Dental Designs Clinic, we use Zendura for our clear retainers because it's both safe and reliable—free from BPA and phthalates, so you don’t have to worry about harmful chemicals. Zendura is really tough and keeps its clarity beautifully, standing up to daily wear much better than other materials.

One advantage of clear retainers over other types is that they are created using precise digital scans. This means that if you ever lose your clear retainer, we can easily print a new one from the saved digital scans without the need for another scanning. This convenience ensures that you can quickly replace your retainer and maintain your dental alignment without any hassle.

We’ve chosen Zendura retainers to make sure you get the most effective and visually appealing orthodontic care possible!

clear-retainers in a case


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2) Hawley retainers

Hawley retainers1 are made with acrylic and bendable metal wires. They come in a variety of colours. The wire usually goes in front of your teeth, while the acrylic fits snugly against the roof of your mouth. These retainers are typically fitted tightly to your teeth and can be very durable, lasting up to 10 years for some patients!


  • Adjustable so your dentist can tweak it to continue realignment of your teeth
  • Helps to correct your bite and allow upper and lower teeth to touch naturally
  • Can last for years with the proper maintenance
  • Repairable if it’s broken by accident 
  • More durable than clear retainers
  • Easily removable


  • Causes a very distinct lisp when speaking
  • Far more noticeable in public due to the metal wire at the front
  • Considerably more uncomfortable to wear and may irritate your inner lips and cheeks initially
  • If not cleaned properly, bacteria may build up on it



3) Permanent retainers

These retainers are made with a metal wire and is fixed to your teeth with dental adhesive. They are sometimes known as bonded or fixed retainers3. Dentists may recommend them for patients who have trouble consistently wearing removable retainers. They are more commonly used on the lower teeth as it is easier to safely attach them to the lower shelf of teeth rather than the upper teeth.


  • They do not need to be removed before meals
  • Will not be seen as they are bonded behind your teeth
  • Does not cause a lisp
  • Will not be misplaced
  • Will not be damaged easily
  • Compliance with instructions is no longer an issue


  • Harder to maintain oral hygiene as it cannot be removed
  • Makes flossing very difficult
  • Metal wire can sometimes irritate the inside of the mouth or tongue
  • Many patients do not like the fact that they cannot remove it completely

Permanent retainers need to be cleaned daily, and you might need some special techniques to get rid of food and plaque stuck under the wire. If plaque builds up too much, it might need to be professionally cleaned at the dental clinic. Otherwise, these retainers stay in your mouth for as long as needed.lingual-retainer


So, which retainer is best for me?

Every individual has a different oral anatomy and it is best to consult with your dentist as to which retainer is the best one for you. Each style of retainer comes with its unique strengths and weaknesses, so it’s advisable to take your habits and lifestyle when deciding on which retainer you need to wear if you choose to maintain a beautiful smile. The type of retainer you pick will be a constant in your life over many years, so it’s important to find the one that you find most comfortable to use properly on a long-term basis.


Importance of good oral hygiene and retainer compliance

Regardless of the retainer chosen, maintaining good oral hygiene and diligent retainer wear are critical factors in preventing relapse and ensuring the longevity of treatment outcomes. Patients must brush and floss regularly to prevent plaque build-up and maintain the health of their teeth and gums. Additionally, consistent wear of the prescribed retainer, whether removable or permanent, is essential for preventing teeth movement and preserving the desired tooth positions achieved through Invisalign or braces.

Interested in learning about Invisalign (eg. invisalign cost in singapore)? - Explore Invisalign details and costs in Singapore!

Learn more about Retainers - Get detailed information on Retainers!


Have more questions? Just drop us a message here and we will get right back to you!


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  1. Outhaisavanh S, Liu Y, Song J. The origin and evolution of the Hawley retainer for the effectiveness to maintain tooth position after fixed orthodontic treatment compare to vacuum-formed retainer: A systematic review of RCTs. Int Orthod. 2020 Jun;18(2):225-236. doi: 10.1016/j.ortho.2020.02.008. Epub 2020 Mar 19. PMID: 32201168.
  2. Chaimongkol P, Suntornlohanakul S. Clear retainer. APOS Trends Orthod 2017;7:54-60.
  3. Zafer Sari, Tancan Uysal, Faruk Ayhan Başçiftçi, Ozgur Inan; Occlusal Contact Changes with Removable and Bonded Retainers in a 1-Year Retention Period. Angle Orthod 1 September 2009; 79 (5): 867–872. doi: