
Gum Disease Causes And Treatment In A Nutshell

Dental Designs Clinic Singapore
15 Jul, 2024

Gum disease silently impacts millions, starting with early signs like swollen gums and bleeding when brushing, potentially leading to serious consequences for our smiles. Understanding its causes and treatments is crucial for maintaining oral health and preventing complications.

Let's explore gum disease to uncover how it starts, progresses and most importantly, how gum disease treatment can keep our smiles healthy and bright.


What is gum disease?

Regularly brushing your teeth and flossing are essential habits for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Poor oral hygiene can lead to a form of gum disease where dental plaque builds up along the gum line, causing bad breath and eventually leading to more severe issues such as gum tissue damage and bone loss.

Gum disease is an infection that affects the tissues supporting your teeth. It's pretty common and affects many people at some point. The disease progresses in stages and can become serious if not caught early.

It usually starts with gingivitis, which causes your gums to become inflamed and bleed. If left unchecked, it can progress into periodontitis. This is when your gums start pulling away from your teeth, creating pockets that get infected. At this stage, the infection can damage the bone and tissue supporting your teeth, possibly leading to tooth loss.

gums pulling away from teeth

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What are the causes of gum disease?

The main culprit behind gum disease is plaque, a sticky film of bacteria that forms on teeth. If not removed regularly through brushing and flossing, plaque can harden into tartar, further irritating and inflaming the gums, thereby worsening the condition. Several factors contribute to the accumulation of plaque and increase the risk of gum disease (gum disease causes), including:

  1. Poor oral hygiene, especially with crooked teeth

  2. Smoking and tobacco use

  3. Poorly fitted dental restorations

  4. Genetics

  5. Some medications

  6. Medical conditions such as diabetes 

  7. Hormonal changes, eg. during puberty or pregnancy


Click here to learn more about the causes of gum disease.


Gingivitis Vs Periodontitis

  Gingivitis Periodontitis
Definition Early stage of gum disease; inflammation of gums with no bone loss Advanced stage of gum disease; involves bone loss
Cause Plaque buildup around the gumline Untreated gingivitis, leading to bacterial infection in bone and gums
  • Red, swollen gums
  • Gums that bleed easily
  • Bad breath
  • Receding gums
  • Deep pockets between teeth and gums
  • Persistent bad breath
  • Loose teeth in advanced cases
Reversibility Often reversible with proper oral hygiene and professional care Partially reversible but only with extensive treatment and strict oral hygiene. Irreversible in advanced cases.
  • Improved oral hygiene
  • Professional dental cleaning
  • Improved oral hygiene
  • Professional dental cleaning
  • Antibiotics for infection
  • Surgery in severe cases
Prognosis Generally good with early intervention Requires ongoing management to prevent progression
Complications Can progress to periodontitis if untreated Tooth loss, abscesses, systemic health implications
  gingivitis diagram periodontitis diagram


What are the gum disease treatment available?

In the advanced stage of gum disease, professional cleanings may not be enough, and treatments like guided tissue regeneration, tissue grafts, or bone grafting might be necessary to restore the health of your gums and teeth. Treating periodontal disease early is crucial to prevent loose teeth and focuses on removing plaque and promoting a healthy oral environment through consistent oral hygiene practices.

The treatment options for gum disease vary based on the severity. Here are some common treatments.

Non-surgical treatments

They aim to cleanse teeth and reduce bacterial presence. These include scaling, root planing, and using antibacterial mouthwash and oral antibiotics when necessary.


Surgical treatments

In severe cases, surgical interventions such as flap surgery, gingivectomy and soft and hard tissue grafting may be required.


Supportive therapy

Continued supportive therapy is crucial to prevent gum disease recurrence post-treatment. This involves regular check-ups, ongoing monitoring and maintaining optimal oral hygiene routines.


Lifestyle changes

Implementing lifestyle adjustments like quitting smoking and adopting a balanced diet is also advised to enhance gum health.


Advanced therapies

Laser procedures with advanced technology like LANAP may be considered. Click here to read how LANAP can treat gum disease.

To read in-depth about the various gum disease treatments, click here.



To sum up, understanding the causes and treatment of gum disease is vital for oral health maintenance. Plaque buildup stands out as the main culprit, therefore regular dental cleanings are advisable to prevent gum disease.

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