Why Invisalign At Dental Designs Clinic

Accelerated Invisalign
Tailored just for you with optimized teeth movement speed.

Invisalign Diamond provider
Experienced dentists with a track record of successful treatments
Transparent Pricing
All potential costs are discussed with you upfront. No hidden charges.
High-Tech equipment
Detailed facial assessment using 3D scans and studio photography.
Comfort Clinic
Designed for comfort and easily accessible by car or MRT.
How Much Does Invisalign Costs in Singapore
Our holistic approach focuses on your overall facial appearance and aesthetic, bringing it beyond just aligning your teeth.
During the consultation, we'll discuss your unique smile characteristics and look at how the misalignment of your teeth affects your smile aesthetics and function in speech and chewing.
As part of this analysis, we'll do a detailed 3D scan of your teeth and take professional studio photos and videos. Each Invisalign treatment plan is specifically tailored to your individual needs.
Price of Invisalign Treatment
$4251 - $10,137
First Payment |
$27.24 |
Second Payment |
$981 |
Third Payment |
$1636 - $3270 |
Fourth Payment |
$2725 - $5886 |
*Price are inclusive of 9% GST
**Installment 6 and 12 months available
***Prices quoted above do not include other dental treatments such as extractions, fillings & cleaning
Our Team of Expert Dentists
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Based on 1000+ Google reviews
Want to know more about Invisalign?
Frequently Asked Questions On Invisalign
9 out of 10 cases our Invisalign dentist straightens teeth without extraction of teeth with Invisalign. We do not believe in a treatment that depends on extracting teeth just because there is not enough space, as this could result in an undesirable change in your face shape and facial profile.
Our Invisalign dentist has successfully treated severe crowding cases with Invisalign, achieving comparable results to traditional metal braces. Even with crowded teeth, we treat most cases without extractions.
Invisalign is suitable for all ages. Our Invisalign dentists have treated patients both young and old.
Invisalign aligners are fully customised with the ability to move teeth to straighten your smile. At times, Invisalign has proven to show faster results due to the efficient planning mechanics by experienced Invisalign dentists.
Unlike metal and ceramic braces, Invisalign aligners are smooth and do not cause painful ulcers. However, you will tightness and discomfort upon putting on a new set of aligners during the first few days.
Yes, during Invisalign treatment you will be sleeping with Invisalign. As it is custom-made for your teeth, it fits snugly and will not fall out during the night.
- Three-dimensional Diagnosis Andorthodontic Treatment Of Complex Malocclusions with the Invisalign Appliance
Robert Boyd-Vicki Waskalic – https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/1073874601800815
- Treatment Outcome and Efficacy Of an Aligner Technique – Regarding Incisor Torque, Premolar Derotation and Molar Distalization
L. Joffe-C. Flores-Mir- Wong- Rj- Miller-M. Derakhshan- Kravitz-B. Kusnoto-E. BeGole-N. Brezniak-B. Braumann-L. Keilig-C. Bourauel-B. Niederhagen-A. Jäger-L. Keilig-K. Piesche-A. Jäger-C. Bourauel-A. Archambault- Carey-G. Heo-H. Badawi- Jj- Sheridan- Nguyen-J. Chen- Durrett- Kravitz-B. Kusnoto-B. Agran-G. Viana-G. Djeu-C. Shelton-A. Maganzini- Nd- Tw- Nd – https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/1472-6831-14-68
- Management Of Overbite with the Invisalign Appliance
Roozbeh Khosravi-Bobby Cohanim-Philippe Hujoel-Sam Daher-Michelle Neal-Weitao Liu-Greg Huang – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28364892
- Adult Patients’ Adjustability To Orthodontic Appliances. Part I: a Comparison Between Labial, Lingual, and Invisalign™
Rena- Ivgi- Inbal- Canetti- Laura- Tsur- Boaz- Bachar- Eytan- Stella – https://academic.oup.com/ejo/article/34/6/724/2756127
- Efficacy Of Clear Aligners in Controlling Orthodontic Tooth Movement: a Systematic Review
Gabriele Rossini-Simone Parrini-Tommaso Castroflorio-Andrea Deregibus-Cesare Debernardi – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25412265
- Analysis Of Pain Level in Cases Treated with Invisalign Aligner: Comparison with Fixed Edgewise Appliance Therapy
K. O’Brien-L. Kay-D. Fox-N. Mandall- Cunningham-M. Jones-C. Chan-P. Ngan-B. Kess-S. Wilson- Dibiase-G. Sarri- Lee- Wu-C. McGrath- Wong-D. Wiechmann- Rabie-U. Klages-A. Zentner-T. Duong-E. Kuo- Kravitz-B. Kusnoto-E. BeGole-A. Obrez-B. Agran-M. Shalish-R. Cooper-Kazaz-I. Ivgi-L. Canetti-B. Tsur-E. Bachar-S. Chaushu-A. Giancotti-M. Greco-G. Mampieri-M. Harazaki-Y. Isshiki- Stewart- Kerr- Pj- Taylor- Np- Nd- Fn – https://progressinorthodontics.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40510-014-0064-7